This syndicate is associated with Emerging Ventures Fund.
For access to a diversified portfolio of 75+ emerging tech startups with a single check, look into joining the fund. More details at or email [email protected]
for more on the fund visit
Fund 1 is closed and has invested in 26 startups.
Fund 2 is live and open and will invest in 75+ startups over 2.5-3 years.
The purpose of this syndicate is to both syndicate some high conviction deals where we want to invest more than the typical check size of the fund and to syndicate follow-on investments from earlier investments of both David Mandel as an angel investor and from investments of Fund 1 and fund 2 of Emerging Ventures.
David Mandel - Managing partner:
After almost 30-years of building and operating companies in Finance and Insurance, with 4 successful exits, Mr. Mandel became a full-time technology investor, investing in over 500 startups since 2013.
See more of my bio on LinkedIn:
The purpose of this syndicate is to both syndicate some high conviction deals where we want to invest more than the typical check size of the fund and to syndicate follow-on investments from earlier investments of both David Mandel as an angel investor and from investments of Fund 1 and fund 2 of Emerging Ventures.