Kulveer Taggar Rolling Fund
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Kulveer Taggar Rolling Fund

Apply To Subscribe

Subscription Amount
$10,000+ Quarterly
Subscription Period
4 Quarters
Management Fee
2% per year over 10 years
Admin Fee (annualized)
$2.5k + 0.2% of contributed capital
Invest Account
Select invest account

Note from Kulveer Taggar

Hi, I’m Kulveer.
I’m the CEO of Zeus Living, a top 100 YC company I started in 2016. I’ve raised over $100M from investors like Airbnb, Initialized Capital, Susquehanna International Group, Naval Ravikant, Floodgate, and others.
I started my first company at Oxford. Through this, I got into Y Combinator in 2007 (4th batch), and later sold this company in 2008.
I have a knack for meeting talented founders. My first cofounder at Oxford, Tom Blomfield, later started the new bank unicorn, Monzo. Later, I teamed up with Patrick Collison to start Auctomatic. Patrick went on to found Stripe ($70B reported valuation).
My cousin and original cofounder Harj Taggar was hired by Paul Graham to be the first non-founding partner at YC and is currently a partner there.
When I moved to San Francisco in 2007, a mentor of mine, Ev Williams, suggested I worked out of the original Twitter office in 164 South Park Street. After being one of the first users of Twitter, I suggested Naval Ravikant invest in Twitter’s Series A. He did.
Deal Flow
Through writing for the BBC, talking at Stanford’s Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Program, speaking on CNBC, appearing on podcasts and the extensive coverage of Zeus, I have created an audience and frequently have entrepreneurs around the globe reach out to me. This is especially the case with PropTech CEOs, founders from Oxford and those applying to Y Combinator. 
I am connected to seed investors like Initialized Capital, Floodgate Fund, Pear Ventures & Elad Gil through personal connections and share deal flow.
My value add to founders includes:
  • Being an founder & operator myself of a successful, growing company (250+ employees)
  • Having navigated the sale of my previous startup
  • Having raised a lot of venture and debt capital
  • Understanding when and how to successfully pivot
  • Being a 2 time YC founder and understanding how to navigate that process
Select investments
Note: I invested rarely, focusing on my startup primarily. That said, the only YC Demo Day Fund I did in 2016 ($307,000) is currently up 495%.
In the public markets, I have my first 100 bagger by investing in Tesla in 2011. 
The investments and returns data above and accessible via external links may include investments made off of the AngelList platform. As such, AngelList has not taken any action to verify such data and makes no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. All investment value estimates and return multiples are calculated net of any fees, expenses or carry. The outcome for any unrealized investment is highly uncertain. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The companies and venture partners featured in this note and accessible via external links were selected due to their notoriety in the startup and venture capital community. This list is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not an exhaustive list of all investments made or involving the Fund Lead. A full list of the Fund Lead’s investment history will be made available upon request. Third-party quotes included in these materials should not be construed in any way as an endorsement of AngelList's advice, analysis or other service rendered to its clients.

Investment Details

Subscription Start Date
July 1, 2024
Minimum Quarterly Subscription
Minimum Subscription Period
4 Quarters
Management Fee
Investors pay management fees of 2% per year for the first 10 years. Management fees are taken as a percentage of the total committed capital. The total management fee is paid out quarterly over the first four years of the fund's life.
Twenty percent (20%)
Admin Fee (annualized)
$2.5k + 0.2% of contributed capital
Fees for each quarterly fund in the Rolling Fund Program will vary based on each quarterly fund’s capital contributions since the fee includes a flat fee component. Last quarter, this fund closed $125k in capital. Learn more about how to estimate your commitment’s fees at our help center.
Fund Lead Commitment
Kulveer Taggar's personal subscription per quarter will be at least 2.5% of each quarterly fund's total committed capital. Kulveer Taggar will satisfy their GP commitment in part by waiving 100% of management fees otherwise owed to them by the fund.

Investor FAQ

How is this program different from venture fund investing?
How do subscriptions work?
How do management and admin fees work?
How does carried interest work?
How do distributions work?
Will a Limited Partner (LP) participate in all investments made by the funds offered through this Program?
Will an LP's percentage ownership of quarterly funds always be the same?
Are LPs guaranteed access to Kulveer Taggar Rolling Fund's future funds?
How are subscriptions funded?
How does changing or canceling a subscription work?
Who manages these funds?
Do funds in this Program have minimum or maximum investment sizes?
What happens if funds in this Program do not invest their total capital each quarter?
When will LPs learn about companies the funds invested in?
Can LPs opt out of specific deals?
Can LPs sell their investment in the fund?
Can LPs redeem their interests in the fund?
When will funds launched under this Program begin deploying capital?
How do I receive tax documents from this Program?
Unanswered questions? Contact AngelList
The performance of past deals or a lead investors' track record is not a guarantee of future returns. Venture capital fund investments are inherently risky and illiquid. Such investments involve a high degree of risk and are suitable only for sophisticated and accredited investors.
AngelList and its affiliates do not provide investment advice to investors. The information on this page should not be relied upon as research, investment advice or a recommendation of any kind. Information on this page is qualified in its entirety by the fund's Limited Partnership Agreement, Private Placement Memorandum and Subscription Agreement, which should be reviewed carefully prior to making an investment decision. Please see these documents for full details regarding risks, minimum investment, fees and expenses. The Fund Lead and the fund's investment advisor have the right to waive or charge additional carry to certain investors. The fund's legal name may be different from the name used above.
This fund may accept new investors after the fund undergoes a valuation update. Certain potential investors in the fund may then have access to materially different information concerning fund value at the time of their investment.
Current or future portfolio companies in this fund may use AngelList's recruiting platform and may pay an affiliate of the fund's investment adviser for premium recruiting tools and services. This may create a potential conflict of interest for the investment adviser, which you will consent to by subscribing to the fund.
Please read the disclosures in full here.

Apply To Subscribe

Subscription Amount
$10,000+ Quarterly
Subscription Period
4 Quarters
Management Fee
2% per year over 10 years
Admin Fee (annualized)
$2.5k + 0.2% of contributed capital
Invest Account
Select invest account